I cant seem to wrap my head around it. Why was it so easy for Governor Fashola of Lagos State to eradicate commercial motorcycle a.k.a. okada which has its positives and negatives but difficult to eradicate the menace called area boys/agbero/alaye i.e. touts and thugs which has only negatives that infest Lagos environs especially the bus stops? Okada is a NECESSARY EVIL. Agberos are UNNECESSARY EVIL. I dont see any atom of good in agbero.
Okada occupation is populated by people from all over the country and even the continent. Agbero profession is predominantly dominated by Lagosians. Most okada riders are graduates who as a pis aller picked up the trade when they couldnt find jobs, thanks to our job creating government. Agberos are all STACK illiterates. Okada is fraught with road accident risks leaving the victim, injured, maimed, or dead.
Agbero is fraught violence endangering the lives of innocent passers by and the useless life of the agberos too. Okada is a value exchange business, you pay for their service. Agberos are extortionist extorting money from people. Okada fill the transportation need while agbero is just a societal ill that no one needs. On the average okada riders use their income to better their lives and that of their family. Agberos on the average spend their loot on alcohol, drugs and prostitutes.
Rumour has it that the top hierarchical ladder of Lagos government/polity/royal father fatten up courtesy of the proceeds from the extortion business of agberos. Its safe to say anybody who feeds from agbero loot is equally an agbero regardless of the person's office, intellect or social status. Lagos Agbero profession seems to be a cultural heritage just like omonile. Its a despicable culture.
The ills of agbero is inexhaustible.
Okada riders and agberos have a bit of similarities though. Some okada riders seem to have made a path with death and are very reckless on the road. Agberos are equally reckless.
Im not [b]completely[/b] against the ban of okada, but against banning okada without providing alternative. Im [b]completely[/b] against leaving agberos to run wild and free. Just my two cents.
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