Have you ever been stuck in a elevator before? I have but it was in the day time, I didnt panic at all. But being stuck in a lift without power or light is an unsettling experience for most people. But throw in a little ghost girl who seemingly suddenly appears from nowhere and it becomes terrifying.
The concept is a popular prank on a Brazilian television
In the video the adults who are set up are seen arriving
in reception and are shown to a lift. They think they are traveling up-
although the lift is actually still - until it suddenly halts and the lights go
out. Then under the cover of darkness a little child, dressed like the ghost
girl from The Ring, emerges from a trap door at the side and when the lights
return they are greeted by her.
With a pale face, scraggly hair and holding a doll she is
a terrifying and unexpected sight. Reactions range from jumping in the air,
cowering in the corner and jamming the emergency button. None of the
unfortunate victims realise it is a prank and as the lights flicker on and off
she reappears from the hiding place.
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