Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Increasing Social Media Cheating

Social Media Relationship Cheats
My wife is a social media addict. She's always on her cellphone: texting, tweeting or Facebooking. I am beginning to suspect she is having a online romance

Shrink Rap 
Your wife is having a romance, but it may be with social media rather than with a person. Social media is very captivating and people tend to invest far more time and energy into social media than they realise.

It offers richness and variety of relationships not always achievable in your immediate circle. The danger is that it can lead to inappropriate liaisons and relationships beyond the boundaries of what people in their regular lives would allow themselves.

The other danger is that people lose themselves, and their immediate relationships suffer. It is clear why it is hard for an ordinary person, let alone a stressed, tired or preoccupied spouse, to compete with the magnetic attraction and demanding nature of social media.

The definition of addiction is something that causes social or occupational impairment.

You definitely have grounds to confront your wife - but express it in the form of a loving request that she gives you more time and attention. - Leonard Carr

In my coaching practice, this topic is a frequent discussion point. Social media can sap the energy from a significant relationship.

When we count being in virtual communication as more important than the people in the room, we are setting up our relationships for disaster. We did not choose to be in a relationship to then find ourselves in isolation.

First check on your own behaviour - are you hooked on TV or some other form of technology? Discuss with your wife how isolated you feel when she is online. Then come to a compromise on when you can both use technology. For example, I know many couples who have an agreement to turn off all phones, tablets and laptops from 7pm.

Prioritising your marital relationship is a great way to reignite the romance. Plan nights out, read books together, watch a movie, have friends and family over for a meal. You will quickly find ways to have fun together if you are united in choosing to turn off the outside world for a while . - Stephanie Dawson-Cosser


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