Mr Osolase from Gravesend, Kent is reported to preyed on poverty-stricken orphans with the promise of a better life, Canterbury Crown Court heard. Judge Adele Williams told him he was devoid of conscience and compassion. Mr Osolase was found guilty of five counts of trafficking, one of rape and one of sexual activity with a child. Click to continue reading.
The jury was told in a six-week trial which ended on Friday that West African “juju rituals” were used to instil terror into Osolase’s three vulnerable victims, one aged just 14. ‘Exploitation and degradation’ The judge said the recycling worker, who has HIV, put his victims “in fear” to force their obedience and secure their silence.
“You were dealing in exploitation and manipulation and degradation,” she told Mr Osolase. “You are undoubtedly a very, very dishonest man. You are arrogant and manipulative; you are devoid of conscience, devoid of any compassion to your victims.”
The judge said Mr Osolase treated the girls as objects to be sold as sex slaves. The fact that he raped one girl knowing he had HIV was a “seriously aggravating” feature. Mr Osolase is alleged to take the girls to his home in Gravesend before sending them to work as prostitutes in mainland Europe.
The court had heard girls were trafficked into the UK and taken to Mr Osolase’s home in Gravesend before being sent to work as prostitutes in mainland Europe. One of the girls described the Juju ceremony performed on her in Nigeria. During the ritual, samples of blood were extracted from the girl and her head hair and pubic hair were also cut.
She was then told to swear an oath of silence. Osolase was stopped at Stansted airport in April 2011 attempting to board a plane.
Anthony Orchard QC, defending, said Mr Osolase disclosed that he had HIV voluntarily to police. “Mr Osolase acknowledges and regrets the consequences of his actions in relation to taking the girls out of the UK, and he has to bear the consequences of those actions,” Mr Orchard told the court.
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