Photos emerge of police shootout with suspected Boston bombers
Photos of the police shootout with the Boston bomb suspects have emerged. A Watertown resident took photos of the dramatic shootout
between policemen and suspected Boston bombers, brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar
Tsarnaev in the early hours of Friday April 19th. The photos have just been
released to the media
The photo above shows the brothers hiding behind a car as
they engage in a dramatic shootout with police.
The resident who
took the photographs with his phone from a third-floor bedroom overlooking the
scene, said the men ran to the green sedan, left, for more supplies such as
In another image, a red circle shows what the eyewitness believed to be a pressure cooker bomb
After detonating the bomb and filling the street with smoke, the
youngest brother jumped in the car and ploughed towards the police
officers lining the end of the residential street
As he drove the car, his older brother was taken down by police. His body is circled
When the gun battle was over, police rushed to where the green sedan
was parked and announced there were other devices on the street,
sparking a search
This image shows a blast mark on the ground from where the pressure cooker bomb exploded
As daylight broke, the witness took photos of the abandoned sedan and backpacks
Police swarm the street to check all the houses. The witness' home was then evacuated
Daily Mail UK
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