Today is World AIDS Day. Do you know what AIDS is? Do you know your status. Be aware. Be informed. Dont discriminate, it can be you.
through hugging, kissing, crying, coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, being
friends or through normal daily interaction with people who have HIV or AIDS
You also CANNOT contract
the virus from swimming pools, lakes, baths or showers, from toilet seats, door
knobs, towels, clothing, food or drink, cups or glasses, dishes, silverware, straws,
drinking fountains, toys, books, paper, telephones, office equipment or
HIV is NOT transmitted
through vomit, sweat, stool or nasal secretions, tears, urine or saliva.
Additionally, you CANNOT
get HIV through mosquito or other insect bites, since HIV does not
reproduce inside insects. Even if a mosquito bites an HIV positive person, the
virus will NOT reproduce in the mosquito. The mosquito will not be infected and
thus cannot transmit the HIV
Having vaginal or anal sex without a condom with someone who is infected.
Having contact with the blood of someone who has HIV. This could be having a blood transfusion from someone who is infected with HIV
From a mother who has HIV to her baby: HIV can pass to the baby during pregnancy, during the birth of the baby, or through breast-feeding. Only about one in three babies born to HIV-positive mothers get HIV.
Receiving an injection from an unsterilized needle that was previously used by someone with HIV.
Heterosexual transmission is the route by which most people with AIDS have become infected with HIV worldwide This category of AIDS cases is also among the most rapidly increasing.
A few facts about HIV
* Over 90% of people with HIV were infected through sexual contact
* You can now get tested for HIV using a saliva sample
* HIV is not passed on through spitting, biting or sharing utensils
* Only 1% of babies born to HIV positive mothers have HIV
* You can get the results of an HIV test in just 15-20 minutes
* There is no vaccine and no cure for HIV
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