Has anyone seen Tonto Dikeh or her producer since they released the single? Any word from any of the them since. Im very concerned o. Its not fair what you people are doing o. I havent listened to this song that people are making so much mockery of and frankly dont think I want to listen to it. I just its not worse than Genevieve's song back in the day. I felt like suing her for giving music a bad name.
You know people wont give a damn if it were an unknown artist or even a heavy weight like Tuface, you know why? Cuz music is their profession. Actors/actresses often think music is acting so they all dabble into it to act thereby making a douchebag of themselves.
Tonto's song may not be as bad people make it out to be, but who am I to judge or say all these people are wrong. Its like hate/beef.
Please steer clear of music and stick to your day job. In order words stick to what you are good at. just rambled that out lol.
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