The country Nigeria and the world at large is going through
a number of things now from various killings to floods etc. Close looks at
these issues show the inherent ideologies and philosophies that guide
individuals, communities and nations at large.
What would you do for your community? Instead of
complaining, ask yourself – What can I do in my society to help this matter?
There’s a problem with flooding in different areas. Ask yourself what little
thing you can do to alleviate this situation. You never can tell you might just
find a career path or job line to be passionate about. Having a career to
follow takes thought and determination but most of all you should have a gap
you want to fill or a problem you want to solve.
Today, a lot of people focus on getting a job so much
that they forget why they want to get a job, why they want to get the job and
the career placement that suits their interests. Forgetting these things make
people lack the drive to go out and do the utmost with the energy that is
inside them.
This is not a motivational pep talk on the fact that you
can achieve great things, you can grow higher, and you can achieve your dreams.
This is a reality check to put us in the light of the exact things that can be
done to change little things in our immediate surroundings, the little things
we do have ripple effects and in the long run make great impacts.
I’ve seen time and again what people around the world
have done for their communities. A young man solved a problem associated with
blood especially for people with Leaukemia; another group of people used the
media creatively to raise awareness and huge fund to fund research for a deadly
disease; yet another set of people used technology to make Japan a tourist
attention site after the Tsunami.
These are mostly young people just trying to contribute
their quota to their communities, individuals and people around them. The
contributions may be tiny and inapplicable in our country but it gets us
thinking. We can do much more for ourselves.
There is a glow and passion about trying to do something for
the good of another; it gives you a sense of fulfillment and joy; it moves you
beyond the stage of thinking only about what you can get to the level where you
think about what you can give; it makes you less dependent on situations and
people, giving your brain the super charge it needs.
As I write this, I ask myself the question- what can I do to
change the tiny situation in my immediate community? The tiny and seemingly
minute gestures can change the bleak things around. We need to stop looking for
quick fixes, instant wins and get rich quick plans. Careers and jobs may not
come the way you expect them to, but giving and building a solution is key for
everybody and in everything we do.
Think about it, what problem are you
solving? If you aren’t solving a problem there’s no reason to be in a place. Even if changing the community is not so attractive to you
and all you just want to do is get a job. Ask yourself, am I going to solve any
problem in this organization I want to go into? What will I be adding to the
organization? Will I and am I being a solution? What is my value proposition?
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