Im moved by her dispostition to life giving what she is suffering. Live your life to the fullest like everyday is your last no matter what you are going through. It does reduces the burden of whatever you are going through.
A 13-year-old cancer sufferer, who became a YouTube star thanks to her inspired make-up video tutorials, has become an honorary face of CoverGirl. Talia Joy Castellano was thrilled to learn the news last month during an interview with Ellen Degeneres, and today, the beauty giant released a campaign-style image bearing her face. The teenager, who developed an interest in make-up six years ago, when she was first diagnosed with neuroblastoma, has attracted over 14million viewers to her video blog

Talia suffers two types of cancer; 'neuroblastoma and leukemia at the same time'. Despite her harrowing diagnosis she bursts with so much energy and positivity. Let her infect you with cheerful happy disposition to life.

She reveals during a video: 'You don't think, "Oh my
god I'm going to die". It's more like, "I'm going to lose my hair,
I'm going to be skinny, I won't be able to eat, go to school, see my
friends." The seventh grader said her popular make-up tutorials were
conceived out of her distaste for wearing wigs. 'I don't like wigs, they're so,
I dunno... When I have on a wig I feel, not fake, just not me', she explains,

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