Let me tell you a story,
“Once upon a not-so long time ago, in the land of reality where happy -ever -after was known to be a myth, Girl was out and about, breathing in the sweet smell of bright-colored flowers, going to her nine-five, frolicking in the sun, cooking her dinner alone and enjoying it in front of the television, minding her business and living her life. She was at such a happy place. Along came Boy, one sunny afternoon; with his bag of charm, and boy was he all handsomeness, smiles and laughter.
“This cannot possibly end well” thought Girl to herself as those brown eyes slowly sucked her into the vortex that was Boy.
“Gurl, you are in trouble” said her head to her as that smile tugged gently at her heart-string
“Must fight this. Mustfightthis, m..us..t figh…”
Girl fought valiantly but lost woefully, she stood no chance against that deadly mix of brown eyes, soft laugh, heart-tugging smile and bag of charm.
Went Girl as she fell head-over-stilettos in love with Boy. Poor Girl! She couldn’t help it, she was love struck.
Suddenly life had new meaning! There was enhanced beauty in everything; the flowers were brighter and smelt sweeter, work wasn’t so tedious anymore. Girl had Boy, dinner was cooked and enjoyed in front of the television together, he took her hand and they frolicked in the sun. All was right with the world!
Or was it?
One day, Boy’s bag of charm became empty and dark clouds came and choked the sun. In place of the oh -so- sweet words so gently whispered in Girl’s ear came the harshest of words callously tossed her way. The once hypnotic eyes glinted with hate, the smile was laden with mockery and the laughter cut like a dagger!
“Oh where is he?” she wept many a night as she struggled not to drown in the salty waters of her own tears.
But search as she may (and search she did), Girl never found the Boy that had tugged at her heart string that sunny afternoon. He had varnished as quickly as he had come, replaced by something she refused to name. Girl was down flat on the earth…
But did she stay down?
Heck no! She is WOMAN hear her ROAR
So one picturesque twilight, Girl stood at her front door, and while the soundtrack from the legendary
‘GONE WITH THE WIND’ played in the background, she pointed her freshly manicured fore-finger towards the heavens and said,
“As long as I live, I shall never be heartbroken again!”
Source: Blackdovespeaks
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