After watching so many marriages have troubles and are on the edge of crumbling. My advice might help some of my sisters.
As much as every woman's dream is to get
married and make babies, that's not every man including the husband u
married's dreams. Most women get married and before honey moon, they're
pregnant and that's it, bam marriage, bam pregnancy and bam a baby is
born that is actually a tradition like I see but a lot of women who want
their marriage to work need to bury that tradition..
Ladies, I am not married. I am not dating. I
am hot, pretty and single, I am that girl ur husbands try to talk to,
that girl who will get gifts from men. That girl men will just want to
have phone conversations with and are happy just to talk. I always tell
these men, I am celibate yes I am. I don't like sex/like to sleep with
another woman's husband but these men don't back off. They are happy
just chatting with me. They say I am interesting to talk to. Now while
talking to these men, I tend to ask, but why? Why don't you talk to your
wife? Why don't you take her on vacation? She's fat with big belly why
don't you guys work out together? You admire celebrities who do cosmetic
surgery why not give her and extreme makeover?
I come from a large family with a lot of
brothers and sisters. My sisters are married to men of different works
of life. Rich, famous, average etc and they all have the same problems
of cheating, abuse and angry husbands who snap at everything and
Ladies, when u get married don't rush to
get pregnant and have babies. Especially if your husband is very lively,
loves to travel, loves to go out and have fun. Give some years, be his
friend, be his hang out buddy, be the girl he takes to parties and
flaunts etc. Most men aren't use to kids. Most men change when a baby
comes in. Most men don't know how to adapt and handle babies. Most men
are not used to and ready for the crying and all. How do you expect this
man who's beginning to know your bad habits to start dealing with kids
at the same time?
Ladies when you get married, take your time
enjoy your husband, get to know each other. Explore him. When you make
yourself very available, he gets attached, you learn so much, His sex
life, you know the sex positions he likes, hell he might want a loud
woman but hey with kids kicking in a month or few days after marriage
all these, u can't know any of these things.
For example my sister, when she was dating
this guy she married, they were the perfect couple. I admired them so
much. They dated 4yrs and guess what; she didn't know he has anger
problems. Now they're married and have a little boy. He is so handsome
and adorable but his dad snaps, screams and has so much anger. Now he's
expressing it and all this probably because he is frustrated and can't
do the things they use to do before the child, the vacations, the
outings etc. She was telling me she thinks marrying him was the wrong
decision and I was like they need therapy it will help them but guess
what, that help is temporary and then what?
Ladies you need to let him love you, give
him the time and chance to love you then after a few years, he has the
time and chance to prepare and be ready to accept and love a child, he
has memories build with you already, now he will have memories with
Men claim they are happy their wives are
pregnant, no they really aren't, they are claiming joy but behind their
head, they are thinking wow, we didn't get the chance to do this and
that, we haven't planned for this and that but they're faking it. Most
couples plan for their babies, they get married, work together, have fun
and they are excited and are ready for it.
My 2 cents in all, yes he married you the
way you were, but guess what? He wants you to work towards being a
better person. Workout with your husbands, read books and other
experiences from other women, reinvent yourself, every day there's new
sex position, there's a new sexual linga there's always something new
and exciting and guess what, your man goes to these side chicks and side
pieces and kicks and hoes because they reinvent it, there's their job,
they need to reinvent so he can put a ring on it and you need to
reinvent to keep the ring on it, Get it?
In the future, I hope I marry a man who
understand me and a man I understand. Who respects me, a man I can
satisfy enough who won't turn into a serial cheater but will have just 1
side chick because yes in the real world, all men cheat and any woman
who lives in this world should know and accept it. Just be the woman who
can tell him wrap it up and laugh about it. Then he will know he has to
wrap it up when he steps out on you. He will know not to cheat with the
women around you, he will know better and respect you.
Ladies, take care of your body, smell nice,
eat things that make you smell nice down there, citrus will help your
p*ssy smell good, workout and wait with the baby making and before you
ask me how you wait it’s called birth controls pills, patch, shots etc
well some people have after effects but there's a lot you can do to
avoid being pregnant, kids are a blessing but sometimes can be a curse
to a lot of women's failed marriage.
Link Ladunliadi's blog
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