Can you imagine an 11 year old piercing her tongue already?
Kids dont try this at home or anywhere, it is a very bad example. These western people can lead a very distasteful life atimes. They may see nothing wrong with that. And some zombies here will copy her immediately. They call it fashion. I mean they say its being creative. They use the word CREAVTIVE like its an all positive word. The douchebag panty bomber Abdullmutallab was creative when he laced his pant or diaper with explosive. Is that the kind of creativity like the one above we want to express? HELL NO! This is disgusting and more disturbing and disgusting for an 11 year old to do.
Let me imagine my child getting a piercing at 11. My imagination reads ERROR. IT CAN NEVER HAPPEN
Let me imagine my child getting a piercing at 11. My imagination reads ERROR. IT CAN NEVER HAPPEN
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